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PLC Inpout Output Modules

We keep ready stock of more then 1000 Different makes and Models of PLCs, HMIs, VFD , Servo , Programming Cables , Encoders , Sensors , Power Supplies etc. However , we not associated with any brand as Authorized Sales Representative.

Et200s Digital Output Module 

Rs 15,200 / Piece

 6ES7331-7NF00-0AB0 Analog Input Module

6ES7331-7HF01-0AB0 Analog Input Module

Rs 37,052/ Piece

6ES7331-7KF02-0AB0 Analog Input Module

Rs 25,053/ Piece

FX2N-4AD-TC Analog Input Thermocouple Module

KV-TF40 Keyence Analog Module

Rs 21,000/ Piece

SRT2-OD16-1 Analog Output Module

Rs 11,000/ Piece

6ES7332-5HB01-0AB0 Analog Output Module

Rs 12,053/ Piece

CQM1-OC221 Omron PLC Analog Output Module

Rs 5,300/ Unit

CP1W-8ET Omron Analog Input Output Module

Rs 4,520/ Unit

 6ES7331-7KF02-2AB0 Analog Input Module

6ES7331-7PE10-0AB0 Analog Input Module

 6ED1055-1MB00-0BA2 Siemens Input Output Module

CP1W-TS002 Omron Analog Input Module

Rs 12,520/ Piece

CJ1W-OD212 Digital Input Module

Rs 11,000/ Piece

IC200MDL740 Digital Input Module

Rs 9,520/ Unit

CP1W-MAD11 Omron Analog Input Output Module

Rs 7,500/ Piece

CQM1-OC224 PLC Module

Rs 5,300/ Piece

C200H-OD219 Analog Output Module

Rs 5,300/ Unit

6ES7331-7HF00-0AB0 Analog Input Module

Rs 53,000/ Piece

AJ65SBT1-32DT1 Analog Input Module

Analog Output Module

CJ1W-DA08V Digital Output Module

Rs 25,200/ Piece

AJ65SBTB1-32D Remote IO Module

Rs 8,110/ Piece

CJ1WID211 Digital Input Modules

Rs 8,150/ Piece

FX2N-48ET Digital Input Output Module

Rs 22,500/ Piece

FX1N-4EX-BD Digital Input Module

Rs 4,000/ Piece

FX3U-4HSX-ADP High Speed Input Module

Rs 21,000/ Piece

CJ1W-ID211 Digital Input Module

Rs 7,200/ Unit

DRT2-ID16 Digital Input Module

Rs 8,110/ Piece

6ES7332-5HD01-0AB0 Analog Output Module

Rs 27,000/ Piece

6ES7322-1BH01-0AA0 Digital Output Module

Rs 11,000/ Piece

6ED1055-1MB00-0BA1 Siemen Module

A1S55B Analog Output Module

Rs 12,000/ Piece

6ES7235-0KD22-0XA8 Analog Input Module

DRT2-OD16 Digital Output Module

Rs 8,552/ Piece

CQM1H-MAB42 PLC Digital Output Module

Rs 35,200/ Piece

CP1W-20EDR1 Digital IO Module

Rs 6,110/ Piece